Code of Ethics
In January 2000, Allianz S.p.A. adopted a Code of Conduct (now called a Code of Ethics), reflecting the interests of the main stakeholders, which stipulates the basic rules for all employees and exponents of the Gruppo Allianz S.p.A.. The present edition of the Code of Ethics, adopted in november 2018, is aligned with the Allianz Code of Conduct for Business Ethics and Compliance of the holding company Allianz SE.
Among the rules contained in the Code of Ethics, it is worth highlighting the principle that the exponents of Allianz S.p.A. may not accept gifts or benefits of any type from third parties, the possibility for employees to anonymously inform their Company of any cases that come to their notice regarding illicit activities or reprehensible actions and the institution of an Ethical Code Committee set up to issue regulations for implementing the Allianz S.p.A. Code of Ethics and to examine critical cases individually.